Kiss & Tell: Techno Speed Dating


In 2018, Seze Devres launched a happy hour singles event early on in the night before her party Kiss & Tell. She creates a fun environment that encourages people to engage with potential friends and lovers at a cozy bar with a fun soundtrack. Tom Calahan from Techno Queers NY is the vivacious host and bangs a real gong at every 5 min interval.

Screw dating apps. It is time to meet each other the old fashioned way, in person, by shamelessly flirting with each other at a bar. Come meet like-minded music obsessed friends regardless of gender and sexual orientation. Options will include romantic and simply platonic intentions.
Queer, straight, or whatever: all are welcome!
Please be aware that you’ll be asked to fill out a name tag with your first name, plus a few words about the kinds of cuties you’re seeking. It’s optional to say anything about your sexual orientation, but this is a space where we want you to feel comfy doing that, since this will facilitate flirtation that feels worth your time (and even if it doesn’t, the rounds are only 5 mins!)
Happy flirting!
Check out this article about Kiss & Tell: Techno Speed Dating in Buskwick Daily!